Great to see Bob from Cabbies Do Atlantic reviewing our waterproof drybag holdall from the middle of the Atlantic. These guys went away from their families, and their comfort zones and worked hard rowing ( non of which were rowers) to raise money for charity and show that normal guys can overcome any obstacle. Covering 3200 miles across the Atlantic to Antigua and losing a combined weight of 76 lbs. Inspirational stuff.
Not Their First Big Adventure.
This was not the Cabbies’ first epic team adventure, the team climbed Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money, but what adventure is bigger than Africa’s tallest mountain? You guessed it, rowing across the Atlantic – showing that ‘ordinary’ blokes can take on extraordinary challenges.
Who Are The Cabbies?
The Cabbies are a team of Taxi drivers from London. The team comprise of Daren Parr 55, Bob Barber 56 and Stuart Lockhart 50. As you can see the guys are no spring chickens, yet they never let a life of experience get in the way of gaining some new experiences.
“We all have two lives, the second one starts when we realise we only have one”
Bob Barber favourite quote.
Why Did They Row The Atlantic?
For the challenge, and the opportunity to raise much need funds for The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, The Stroke Association, and a Tanzanian orphanage. Their efforts raised over £13,000 – exceptional effort.
In 2023 this group of three London cab drivers rowed, 3,200 miles from Lanzarote to Antigua to raise money for charity. It pushed them to their limits, which you can see via their Instagram posts.

What The Team Had To Say
London cab driver and one of the rowers Daren Parr said of the fundraising challenge,
“Nothing could prepare us for this! It was an experience that is very hard to put into words. We are just three ordinary guys doing an extraordinary thing and this challenge demonstrates what can be achieved with determined spirit and mental fortitude. We likened the experience to doing The Knowledge – it was very tough but is worth doing, it doesn’t discriminate between anyone and no one ever fails, you either complete it or you give up.
“We were totally overwhelmed by the welcome we received in Antigua from 150 people who were in small boats and on the quay side to wave us home. People asked how long it took to get my land legs back – let me tell you when I got off the boat it felt like I’d drunk twenty pints on an empty stomach, I was staggering all over the place and not able to stand up and fortunately someone handed me a chair. This has been one hell of an adventure and we hope that we may still get some more donations to support our three special charities.
“We are constantly asked what we will be going next , we will be taking a year off before we announce our next fundraising challenge. And you can guarantee it will push us to our limits again.”
Via Instagram
Check them out and make a donation at
What was the challenge?
The Atlantic Dash is an ocean rowing regatta where everyone has the same goal: to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Is the Atlantic Dash a race?
“The Atlantic Dash is a life changing, life affirming, ocean experience. It is not designed to be a race. However, we are not your mum, if you want to be the first to Antigua – race on! “
How long did it take to row across the Atlantic?
It takes between 30 to 80 days depending on weather conditions and crew size. The Cabbies left on the 4th of Jan and arrived on the 4th of March.
Is Rowing The Atlantic Dangerous?
“Any extreme endurance event has the potential to be dangerous in the same way that driving a car or crossing the road can be dangerous. If you don’t pay attention, have the correct training and constantly risk assess you will find yourself in trouble…
To take part in the Atlantic Dash you will have to pass a selection of mandatory courses and have a fully comprehensive list of safety equipment on board the boat before you are permitted to leave Lanzarote. The combination of kit and training vastly reduces the risks inherent with ocean rowing.”
What Is Atlantic Rowing?
Grab a boat and row it can be as simple as that. Most Atlantic rowers row across as part of a team. Teams take turns to row in shifts, as they progress across the Atlantic. Food, navigation equipment, clothing, spares etc all must be taken with them onboard. Water is usually created via a mini desalination system installed onboard. Upto 80 days, with limited food, limited water, limited rest, limited personal space and showers. It is no easy task, but it looks like a real adventure.
How Did Lomo Help?
We played a small part in supplying the team with some of our waterproof dry bag holdalls and a snorkelling mask. The bags as you hear from Bobs video helped keep their kit dry in a wet environment. And the mask helped them maintain the underside of the boat, allowing them to dive under and clean off barnacles etc. A small role, but we are super happy to have played that small role.