Our black dry bag daysacks are great for keeping your gear dry.
Designed in response to numerous requests from motorcyclists for a black version of our award winning daysack these dry bags make it easy to carry your gear and keep it dry at the same time.
These black daysacks have complete carrying systems with waist belt, chest strap and twin comfortable shoulder straps. The back is padded and comfortable.
There are 2 main compartments. The main dry rucksack compartment has a roll-top closure and the zipped compartment on the rear, which is not totally dry, is perfect for gear you need instant access to.
RF-welded seams
Waterproof and dustproof material
Day Sack Dimensions:
Height (Open) 71cm
Height (Closed) 56cm
Width 29cm
Depth 27cm
Weight: 900g
Max waist strap length: 129cm / 50″
To see a review of this bag from globe trotting adventurers ‘Mad or Nomad’ click here > Lomo Drybag Rucksack Review
The white version of this bag won the Ride Magazine Best Buy Award in 2013 and again in 2018.